Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Seven Things about Tuesdays

Man....Tuesdays suck...some of you would agree...other won't...but Tuesdays suck...period. Someone isn't around uni...

Joke of the Day: John (or fondly known as "China John", C.J.) was boasting to Jim that he could spot all the differences in a newspaper comic strip. Jim could tell him all the differences...John was clearly surprised. The reason to Jim's sudden enlightenment of differences was because the answers were written upside down from John's side of the paper (meaning he had a clear view of the answers the entire time...)

Second funny thing was that, C.J. accidentally took Jim's water bottle and drank from it straight...ewww......One can imagine the implications......

Ok on to the main stuff:

Seven Things Bout Me

Seven things that scare me:
1. Not performing well for assignments in university
2. Getting dumped.
3. Being alone without friends.
4. Losing a family member.
5. Being disabled and having to rely on others.
6. Losing something expensive (e.g. laptop)
7. Graduating one year later than my batch.

Seven things I like the most:
1. Kat
2. Chatting with friends in university.
3. Playing videogames.
4. Going online to surf
5. Playing the drums.
6. Listening to music
7. Going out

Seven important things in my room:
1. Laptop
2. Handphone/ Mobile Phone (k700i)
3. Speaker
4. MP3 player
5. Air Conditioning
6. Music CDs
7. Myself?

Seven random facts about me:
1. I've gotten my arm dislocated twice so far in my life.
2. My two front teeth has been partially chipped off.
3. I got a small scar on my upper lip.
4. I've never gotten drunk..Hate alchol for that matter
5. There is a 17 year age gap between me and my youngest brother.
6. I wake up really early every morning to go to uni.
7. I have driven to Johor Bahru from KL for 3-4 hours straight.

Seven things I plan to do before I die:
1. See the world.
2. Get a job.
3. Fire live ammunition.
4. Bungee Jump
5. To see all my closest friends
6. Close this blog down when I'm terminally ill
7. Leave a will

Seven things I can do:
1. I can play the drums
2. I can talk nonstop without ever making any sense like the time I.....well just like this....
3. I can sit infront of a TV screen and play games until I have a migrane...
4. I can sleep for 6 hours and still look alive the next day
5. I can shoot hoops
6. I can lift 9kg with one hand
7. I can take photgraphs (good or bad, thats for you to decide)

Seven things I can't do:
1. I can't drink beer etc..
2. I can't stand on my hands.
3. I can't run for 5km.
4. I can't do Additional Maths or Physics to save my life...
5. I can't drive a manual car.
6. I can't go by one day without at least sending one SMS
7. I can't stay up late to do assignments...

Seven things I say the most:
1. "Are you sure?"
2. "Something like that"
3. "Man"
4. "Damn"
5. "Bloody hell"
6. "Bugger"
7. "Was that you?"

Seven celeb crushes:
1-7: Never had any celeb crushes.


Anonymous said...

:S What are the implications of accidentally drinking from someone else's bottle? :S Just that the accidental saliva-sharing? Considering what they say about backwash... :S
Is that it? :\

Oh well ^^;

Anyhoo~ Have a good day today, I hope :D

JX Chong said...

Well, what I meant was that my friend had indirectly "kissed" the other. I know he's going to kill me for this.

Jacqueline said...

YoYoYo! I can drive a Manual Car! Lolz! Wanna learn? I can be ur sifu... *wink*

JX Chong said...

Wahh..that would be good. Can learn from you...heheh

Anonymous said...

i can drive a manual car, a 5 tons lorry too. Driven to Bentong, Cameron Highlands, Genting & Janda Baik-Pahang, Muar, Gunung Ledang, Tangkat & Segamat-Johore, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur..ahahah..just here to tease you something i like to do..have a "Chick" day!