Sunday, January 15, 2006

Debt Free Sunday

Title of today's post is related to the sermon delivered in church today. How nice it is to be debt free? Having it written off by someone even though the amount is great? I wonder how many of us can be so generous....but one thing is for sure, there is one such person.....its the someone whom we can always look up to for such generosity, God alone.

Had another bday to attend to today @ Kat's place. Was her sis' bday, so I tagged along for the ride. Of course, it being her sis' bday, her friends were invited over. Lots of people who are on their way to getting jobs in a matter of weeks, most who have already worked for almost a year. Interesthing having to sit in and listen to their experiences. Talk of office politics, instances of getting robbed, the joys and pains (mostly pains) of being an auditor. Stayed over at ther place until 4.30.

Man, I feel so guilty over the consumption of 3 cakes over the course of 2 days. Yesterday it was Sabrina's chocholate cake. Today, it's Kat's sis' (Caroline) cheese cake PLUS her chocolate bday cake. Chocolate is a really popular flavour these days. I'm still a vanilla person nonetheless.

Hmm..aside from that...I will the pics to talk.

It may not look like much, but this is the first new rapid KL bus I've seen (was on my way to Kat's). Almost ran over my car, so much for safe public transportion.

This mask caught my eye. Saw it in Amcorp mall on my way to dinner. Interesthing to find something like this back here.
More accesories that seem to be taken right out of England. Interesthing how they found their way to Malaysia. Must cost a bomb.

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