Sunday, February 26, 2006

Oh, VHS. Where art thou?

I'm pretty sure all of us know what VHS was. Commonly known as cassete tapes, it was the medium of entertainment until its slow demise at the hands of CDs and DVDs in the late 90s. With the rise in demand for DVD players (VCD players have been wiped off the market too) it was no wonder that VHS was given a swipt kick in the butt off store shelves. But it didn't die without a fight; it has been to date,the longest running form of entertainment medium.

The reason I've taken interest in this rather boring and uninteresthing topic is because my dad has been going around looking for a new DVD player that can play Divx shows (all of us know where we get our .avi files from).

So there I was, walking through Carrefour looking for a DVD player. I suddenly came across two VHS players. What struck me as odd, was that the players cost as much as a regular DVD player. Even more expensive than the China-brand (horrible things) stuff. Now who would want to buy a VHS player? Servicing them is even harder.

A VHS player STILL in the stores! Things gotten so bad for it, that it is more expensive than DVD players.

Depending on whether you are an FFVII fan/ videogamer; you may this next pic some what irrelevant to your life. Yes, what I am about to show you is a mystical artifact from Otaku land. This is a testamony that anything you see in an anime can, and will be made into a product (which will be guaranteed to be bought by some hardcore Anime/Videogame fan).

Well, the product in quesiton, is infact a replica of Cloud's Advent Children costume. I found it somewhat odd and a lil weird looking at it. Advent Children is a cool movie and all. So it is understandable that people are trying to make an extra buck out of it. But this, is simply too far. Really.

The Costume @ Animetech, Megamall

A frontal view of the costume

Sidenote: I DO recommend that anyone should watch FFVII: Advent Children cause it really rocks. Even if you DIDN'T play the game and don't understand a hell of whats going on, just enjoy it for the superb looking computer graphics.

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