Sunday, July 02, 2006

First time kena Tag

Ok, its been a while since Jacqueline tagged me on 10 simple pleasures of life, but here I am taking time to reply in kind to the tag.

1. Having a friendly conversation with friends over a meal at a mamak stall.

2. Going out for movies after class/work

3. Taking pictures around town to post up on my blog

4. Blowing stuff up in a computer/videogame

5. Watching anime non-stop...

6. Taking candid shots of people doing various embarassing things.

7. Being able to pass my final exams

8. Securing a job by this year so as not to contribute to the growing number of jobless graduates in Malaysia.

9. Taking trips overseas for short durations...

10. Finding out that your download for the day is done by the time you get back from whatever you are doing.

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