Friday, November 11, 2005

First day of freedom

Well, well. The finals are finally over. That doesn't sound right....but right now it doesn't matter, its over and I'm glad I don't have to go through the stress that runs through my head during the exam season. It alls seems so weird, one moment you are exious to get the exams over, then they are over. The sudden rush of euphoria is great while it lasts. But thats all it is, a short period of emotional joy. It never lasts long, but I guess after all the pressure and repression you put yourself through, one cannot help but feel relieved.

Of course that was yesterday. Wasn't too bad, save for the fact that I soooo wanted to get out of the exam all. I so wanted to be done with it. Finally got out of the exam hall about 25 minutes early. Met Kat at the foyer doing her last minute revision. Was starting to feel worried about being the first one going out of the exam hall, fotunately Phillip came along. Chatted and hung around for about half and hour before heading back. Later returned to fetch Kat and take her out to Pyramid to watch Corpse Bride.

Today went to uni at 11, was late because of the stupid jam. Can you believe that the highway is still jam at 10.30 in the morning. Where the heck are all these people going? Nevertheless, got there and waited for my charges (Shooks, Kat and Shermaine) to arrive. Once everyone was together, we made our way to One U. Managed to get parking without much difficulty. Went to GSC in the new wing, Sabs and Yuan Kuan were already there. Funny thing happened, met Jim and Yong Ting there. Hahaah, both of them had just watched Exorcism of Emily Rose, and both of them wore blue. Quite a matching shade of blue I must say. Later most of the group had already assembeled at GSC and we were face with a very difficult question......where to have lunch. Though Sabrina so graciously brought list of all the restaurants in One U, we had made our mind to go for something simple..........Burger King. Yeah, it all boils down to fast food.

On the way down we met Phillip and Ronson, who were equally surprised to see us. Seems that One U were teeming with alot Monash people. And as if to justify that statement, Jaimee, Lydia and Ju Lee were present too later after the movie. Jac and Aaron weren't left out of the action and even Danny popped into the pic as the girls looked through ear rings at the end of the excursion.

Oh and before all this boils down to "Spot the Monash Student @ One U" , we watched Chicken Little at GSC. Pretty funny movie. Lots of action and crazy stuff happening on the screen all at once. But one too many references to old songs. Heck, even the song by the Spice Girls is considered I'm starting to feel old now.

Looks like it getting late, got to sleep early for the trip I've got coming up tomorrow. Trip to Penang. Pretty rushed for a road trip, but its sort of a now or never thing, best not to think about the costs and just do it. Whee...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yaaaaaay~ :D Congrats on finishing! :D

Wow~ You've got charges XD w00t~ celebraaaaaate~ ^_^