Saturday, November 18, 2006

An assortment of sorts.

I've been really lazy in posting up new posts on the blog. The lack of focus on a subject is the biggest contributing factor. I have to remain tight lipped on my work. Sadly i think most of us would rather not talk about our jobs.

Thing about blogs and the workplace is that there is a thin line to be thread when it comes between the two. You can't mix two and two together. Keep work and your personal life separate i guess.

In anycase, I'm just gonna recap on a the week that has gone by.
15 Nov:

Went to KLIA with Jim to send Yong Ting off. She is moving over to Australia (where the pastures are greener and more nurturing than over here). Wishing her all the best in her new life down under.

17 Nov:

A shot of the old Daves Deli in the Atria Shopping Arcade. This place is a sad reminder of the years that have gone by. This once thriving franchise is now a shadow of its former self. All save one of its outlets at One U remain. The rest have been closed down. Funny enough, the owner of the franchise used to stay opposite my grandma's. Used to see lots of Dave's Deli trucks rolling around. All gone. Perhaps things over here are not as great as they used to be. Time to move on.

18 Nov:

Opened up my copy of Me & My Katamari for the PSP. Many thanks to my Uncle who brought it back from the US.

Took my Uncle to PJ's famous mamak stall, Raju's. Located just next to La Salle Boys School, it has been fairly well known as the place to be when it comes down to chopping some Roti Canai.

Some guy preparing another roti while another delivers our meal.

Roti Planta is so delicious yet so unhealthy for the average person. Still it is very difficult to resist such temptation......Yum...

Still on food, later in the afternoon. I went down to KL to meet up with Kat. Had lunch at Cosy House. This here is the Chicken Chop (with gravy....duh) that we had. Spilt it since breakfast was still on my mind. If not for the fact that the fries were literally swimming in gravy, it would have been perfect.

Waiting for you

The scene downstairs was pretty intense. Lots of people buying and selling stuff. Sorta like a bazaar. But nothing that is on par with the one at The Curve.

Well, that's all for this week. Hopefully will have more next week.

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